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- Category: Abstinence Education
Urban Life Training Membership Materials List
Relationship Intelligence Slides
Relationship Intelligence Part 2-Protecting Your Future – 95 Slides,
Terry Crews Video
Nick Vujicic Video
Dollar Bill Activity
Slide script
Relationship Intelligence-Part 3-Maturing Your Love – 71 Slides,
Why a Teenage Mother Says She Feels “Trapped” video
Karina-16@War Video
Activity - Write a letter to an imagined romantic partner saying there will be no sex
Slide Script
The above slides (slightly different version) are also offered divided into two parts, each.
Relationship Intelligence Part 2-Protecting Your Future-Week 1
Activity: React or choose Your Response
Activity: Alcohol Alters His Olympic Dreams
Nic Vujiicic Video
Dollar Bill Activity
Relationship Intelligence Part 2-Protecting Your Future-Week 2
Activity: Guarding Your Future
Audio: Oral Cancer HPV Testimony
Activity: Nerf Ball Activity
Relationship Intelligence Part 3-Maturing Your Love-Week 3
Karina 16@War video
Activity: I lost my virginity About Four Months Ago
Activity: Not What He Expected It to Be
Activity: She Thought she Was in Love
Activity: Inside-Outside Time
Activity: My Name Is Jerica (about sexual abuse)
Relationship Intelligence Part 3-Maturing Your Love-Week 4
Activity: Are You Ready for This?
Discussion Questions: To Date or Not to Date?
Activity: Dating Boundaries
Urban Life Training Pledge (abstinence pledge)
Video Clips for Discussion
Why Wait Classroom Peer Counseling Part 1 plus discussion questions
Why Wait Classroom Peer Counseling Part 2 plus discussion questions
STAR Guide Testimonies-Clips for Discussion plus discussion questions
Peer Counseling Video Clips and Scripts
Resisting Peer Pressure Peer counseling video clips and script (recommended for grades 7 to 10)
Learning Assertive Techniques video clips and peer counseling script (recommended for grades 7 to 10)
Presenter Training Recordings
1 - Introduction
2 – Protecting Your Future
3 – Maturing Your Love
4 – Peer Counseling
5 – Video Clips for Discussion
6 – STAR Leadership Clubs
STAR Interfaith Leadership Training-10 week program
Week 1:
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon on the cultural battle between good and evil and the importance of natural marriage.
Protecting Your Future Part A: PowerPoint presentation & activities.
Week 2:
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon on the crisis of abortion and Planned Parenthood and the fallacy of gay marriage
Protecting Your Future Part B: PowerPoint presentation & activities:
Week 3
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon on the crisis of moral breakdown in America and the physical and spiritual risks of the homosexual lifestyle.
Maturing Your Love-Part A: PowerPoint presentation & activities:
Week 4
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon on spiritual growth.
Maturing Your Love-Part B: PowerPoint presentation & activities
Week 5:
Sermonette: Rev. Hyung Jin Moon on the importance of Christianity for creating and maintaining stable families and on the current crisis of family breakdown in the black community.
Learning Assertive Techniques Peer Counseling & Peer Counselor
Training: Youth learn how to avoid situations where there might be pressure to engage in sex or drug or alcohol use. Youth learn how to say no using verbal and nonverbal methods, and they practice using these skills. Participating youth practice using assertive techniques.
Week 6:
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon on the benefits of stable families with strong fathers and the detrimental effect of the culture of "bad sex". Discussion about the sexual corruption of Hollywood and how it is being exposed.
Why Wait: Classroom Peer Counseling, STAR Guide Testimonies and Youth Forum III: Video segments followed by guided discussion. Topics include: Reasons to stay abstinent, the importance of how you dress, setting boundaries, the benefits of abstinence, the consequences of sex, and the eight D’s of sexual temptation. Opportunity to sign the Urban Life Training Abstinence Pledge.
Week 7:
Sermonette: Rev. Hyung Jin Moon on creating a culture of godly sex toward the goal of building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth through ideal families. Study of the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13.
A New View of the Fall of Man: PowerPoint, worksheet, and discussion about the Biblical story of Adam and Eve (the importance of sexual purity from God’s point of view). Second Opportunity to sign the Urban Life Training abstinence pledge.
Week 8:
Guidance for young couples on the right attitude to succeed in their married relationship.
Note: This is a longer (48 minutes vs the usual 10 to 15 min) sermon. You may want to listen to part of this sermon only, or include the entire sermon in an optional marriage guidance session)
What is the Purpose of Live? The Principle of Creation: PowerPoint about the nature of God’s creation and explanation about what the three life purposes described in Genesis 1:28 are and how to achieve them.
Week 9:
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon on how to build a godly relationship within your marriage. How can you help your husband to be a godly alpha male? How can husbands help their wives to be a godly woman? Why is skinship important for a couple?
Principles of Spiritual Growth: PowerPoint about the relationship between spirit and body and how the spirit grows based on the actions of the physical body.
Week 10: Celebration of Purity:
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon on the importance of sexual abstinence before marriage and fidelity within marriage and teaching that to our children.
Parents and youth bring refreshments. Youth are invited to recite the Urban Life Training Pledge in front of God and their Parents. A ginger ale toast is made to celebrate this commitment to purity. Optionally, youth and parents can purchase a True Love Waits ring, which youth will receive from their parent during the ceremony. Youth and parent can offer testimonies. Songs or skits may be shared (songs or skits need to be approved ahead of time).
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- Category: Abstinence Education
Urban Life Training will conduct a parent and presenter curriculum training on November 25th, 2022 in Harpers Ferry WV and online.
Participants will learn how to form a Chapter of Urban Life Training and will learn the materials for school presentations and for STAR Leadership Clubs.
Register now to reserve your place.

This curriculum guides youth to make the right choice-abstinence before marriage. This provides a strong foundation for future success and happiness.
This program has been successfully presented to over 3000 youth in Washington DC and the metro area.
The curriculum has also served over 200 youth in STAR (Students Teaching Abstinence & Responsibility) Leadership Clubs.
- Relationship Intelligence Part 2-Protecting Your Future
- Relationship Intelligence Part 3-Maturing Your Love
- Resisting Peer Pressure and Learning Assertiveness Techniques Peer Counseling
- Video Clips and Discussion Questions
- STAR Leadership Clubs
- Urban Life Training Chapters and the Urban Life Training Presenter and Parent website.
The registration deadline is November 20th, 2022.
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- Category: Abstinence Education
Whereas parents are the primary teachers of their children and whereas virtually all parents want their children to abstain from sexual activity while of school age; and being that the purpose of sexual health education is to help youth succeed in life, and whereas premature sexual activity is correlated with increased use of alcohol and drugs, poor academic performance, emotional stress, increased risk of suicide, infection with sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy;
Be it hereby resolved by (fill in name of the Board of Education) that:
The primary purpose of all sexual education curricula in (fill in jurisdiction) will be to teach the benefits of abstaining from all types of sexual activity and physical sexual contact while of school age.
Marriage will be presented as an attainable goal and the appropriate and morally acceptable place for sexual activity when we become legal adults, and also as the most beneficial arrangement for the children that may be born to married parents.
Since the discussion of same-sex attraction and gender identity is not conducive to these goals and same-sex attraction cannot be confirmed without physical sexual contact, these topics will not be included in the sexual education curriculum.
Further, the prevention of child abuse, through affirming each child’s agency, is an important goal of sexual health education.
Therefore, young children will be taught that no one should touch them in the area covered by their bathing suit. Older children will be taught that no one should touch their sexual organs or other body parts in any way inappropriately.
For more information, contact Richard Urban
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First presented at the National School Boards Leadership Council Summit on July 30th, 2022.
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- Category: Abstinence Education
The Urban Life Training Program consists of three parts:
- Classroom based character, HIV/AIDs, and pregnancy prevention education: Relationship Intelligence Training Session Summaries Provided by Urban Life Training.
- Clubs, where youth learn to be peer counselors, share in fun and educational activities and receive peer and adult support.
- Peer counseling (optional). Youth from the Urban Life Training Service Club can provide peer counseling for their fellow students.
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- Category: Abstinence Education
President Trump did the right thing by going to St. Johns’ Episcopal Church with a Bible. Terrance Floyd told people not to riot and destroy their communities, yet protests and riots continue. What is behind this chaos?
Those mayors, such as the Washington DC Mayor, Muriel Bowser, promote godless agendas. They collude in promoting homosexuality to children as young as 6th grade. They kick out programs, such as Urban Life Training, that are teaching sexual abstinence before marriage. They do this because those teaching the programs are often people of faith that do not agree with teaching children that homosexuality is normal.
So the most beneficial thing for black families, teaching sexual abstinence before marriage, and promoting stable, married families is kicked out of public schools. Then mayors, such as Mayor Bowser, moral posture by painting streets with "Black Lives Matter". Yet they are promoting the very things that are destroying the black community. Wake up people!